West Texas Craniofacial Center of Excellence


About Us

The West Texas Craniofacial Center of Excellence, led by Joshua Demke, M.D., craniofacial surgeon, and Lazlo Nagy, M.D., pediatric neurosurgeon, was brought together to serve infants, children and adults with abnormal head and facial deformities. The multi-disciplinary team provides cohesive services for your patients with conditions such as:

  • Flat, long or short heads
  • Pointy and keel-shaped foreheads
  • Under-projected mid-faces
  • Flat cheekbones
  • Occlusion abnormalities including anterior open bites and occlusal cant (hemifacial microsomias), airway distress secondary to small jaw/glossoptosis (Pierre-Robin) sequence
  • Cleft lip and palate repair, alveolar bone grafting and reconstruction of missing or deformed ears.
  • Traumatic craniofacial deformities

Infants with complicated nasofrontal, nasoethmoid and naso orbital encephalocele can also be seen.

unilateral coronal synostosi - front view    unilateral coronal synostosi - rear view



  • Differentiating positional/deformational plagiocephaly from craniosynostosis
  • Non-surgical management of positional plagiocephaly ranging from teaching about repositioning maneuvers to referrals for molding helmets
  • Surgical management of isolated single suture synostosis including sagittal, metopic, coronal and lambdoid deformities to more complex syndromic cases with bicoronal synostosis, including Apert, Crouzon, Muenke, Pfeiffer and Carpenter syndromes
  • Conventional orthognathic and distraction techniques for infants and children with small jaws including Pierre-Robin Syndrome, Goldenhar, hemifacial microsomia and Treacher-Collins Syndrome
  • Orbital surgery for children with hypertelorism
  • Reconstruction of cleft lip and palate
  • Reconstruction of microtia 

sagittal synostosis with scaphocephal    sagittal synostosis with scaphocephaly - top view



Location Information

Texas Tech Physicians Medical Pavilion

3601 4th St., 4th floor
Lubbock, TX 79430
(806) 743-EARS (3277)
(806) 743-1313 FAX

Texas Tech Physicians Pediatric Surgical Specialists

4102 24th Street, Suite 508
Lubbock, TX 79410
(806) 743-EARS (3277)
(806) 743-1313 FAX